MASMAHC is an association of companies within the sheet metal manufacturing and ventilation contracting industries.
Our objectives are:
a) To unite the members of the Association for their mutual improvement, protection, and general welfare;
b) To encourage, support, and promote the advancement of the sheet metal and ventilation trades;
c) To advance, encourage, and promote all inventions and improvements in all aspects of the trades;
d) To foster and promote the interchange of thought and ideas and all problems pertaining to the sheet metal and ventilation trades among the members of the Association and among other individuals or bodies interested therein and to compile and distribute and to foster the compilation and distribution among its members of all information useful in the practice of the sheet metal and ventilation trades including information as to the credit ratings and risks of customers;
e) To make representations with respect to Federal, Provincial, and Municipal legislation for the improvement of the sheet metal and ventilation trades and safety laws;
f) To seek for the members of the sheet metal and ventilation trades equitable treatement in their relations with the manufactueres of and dealers in supplies;
g) To facilitate the collective buying of supplies by its members;
h) To promote, foster, and improve amongst its members relations between employer and employee and the training of employees;
i) To conduct trade promotions and activities, including advertising, publicity, and the holding of meetings, conferences, shows and exhibitions, and otherwise to appraise the public of the scope and character of the sheet metal and ventilation trades.